What cases does the DNCIS investigate?

The Department of National Criminal Investigation Service (DNCIS) is a service established by former detective Aldershof to involve civilians in investigating unsolved (murder) cases. But what crimes does the DNCIS specifically investigate?
Cold cases
The DNCIS deals with so-called cold cases. A cold case is a case that, despite extensive investigation by the police and judiciary, remains unsolved. When new information or evidence surfaces, or when new investigative techniques are available, such a case is sometimes reopened years later. Until 2006, a solved murder case expired after 18 years: if the murderer was arrested more than 18 years later, it was no longer possible to prosecute that person. This rule was devised in the 19th century, partly because there weren't as many techniques available, and it was deemed unlikely that reliable new evidence could be found after such a long time. Thanks to DNA research, technological innovations, and database matching, this is now indeed possible.
An unsolved homicide
Naturally, not every unsolved case remains open forever. Often, it concerns homicides that are (still) unsolved, such as murder or manslaughter. Such an event is already very traumatic for the surviving relatives. When the case remains unsolved, it often leads to processing issues and feelings of injustice and uncertainty. It's also important that citizens continue to have faith in the police and the justice system. If this isn't the case, citizens no longer feel safe, leading to unrest in society. Hence, it's crucial to eventually solve as many homicides as possible.
Other very serious offenses
The DNCIS sometimes investigates other offenses, for example, if they are so serious that they carry a minimum prison sentence of 12 years. This could include kidnapping or an armed robbery, for instance. A case is identified as a cold case by a member of the corps leadership and the investigating officer. Subsequently, the police hand over the case to the DNCIS. With new information or evidence, the case is reopened, granting civilians the opportunity to access the case.
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